Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Family Pictures

About every 10 years, we have formal family pictures made. This year we did it on Butch's birthday. It was the first time the whole family has been together in several years--even before Covid. We're sort of spread out now. Still, I was so thankful that everyone made this year a priority!
We try to recreate the photo that we started with 20 years ago.
The family sure has grown!

We're celebrating 50 years this summer. It seems like just yesterday....
Our beautiful daughters. From left: Sandy, Butch, Stephanie, me and Mindy. I don't know when they all got so much taller than me. 
Our grands: Morgan, Jordan, Mitchell, Victoria and Elizabeth. 

Then this happened:
Butch decided it was time to let it go. We had this '59 Corvette for 30+ years now. Don't let the trailer fool you, it still runs perfectly. The guy who approached Butch about buying it is so excited. He said that he would bring it back for us anytime we wanted to take another picture. Somehow, it won't seem the same. Oh, and the buyer brought me a bouquet of flowers--even though I had nothing to do with it. 

We've had our fair share of enjoyment. As Butch said, "It's time to let someone else enjoy it now." 

Still, I love family traditions!

1 comment:

  1. How lovely! Such a good way to show how the family have grown. I bet you have lots of happy memories of the Corvette, and now it's off to make more memories for someone else!


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