Friday, February 1, 2013

Take the Downton Abbey Quiz

Which character are you? I am Robert,  Earl of Grantham--- Honest and old-fashioned, you’re primarily motivated by honor and duty. You’re so honorable, you’re actually willing to let a virtual stranger inherit all your worldly goods rather than risk breaking up your family’s legacy. Some people might call you a stick in the mud, but you can be extremely generous and forgiving toward those you feel have earned your loyalty.

Take the quiz here.

I'm obsessed with that show. I'm only about 3 episodes in to Season 2. Everyone keeps trying to ruin it for me by telling me things that are happening this season. I've already ordered it, so I'll be ready when I finish 2.

Butch just said last night that he likes it better than Boardwalk Empire. I like them both. And Mad Men and Game of Thrones and Entourage and The Borgias. I also liked Rome and The Tudors. I just like series.

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