Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sometimes He Does the Nicest Things...

I got in my car earlier this week to find this. Now, I've never asked for a sun screen and don't particularly want to fight with it. But it was a nice gesture. Butch has been using one for years. I would think, that since I've never asked for one, that would be a clue that I don't really want it---especially now that I can start my car from inside and cool it down before I ever even get in it. Still, I guess I'll use it now and then---if I remember. Sorta like those green bags that I carry in the car and then forget to take in to the store nine times out of ten.
On the other hand, Butch did something so nice today. We got in his car and I realized I didn't have my sunglasses. I asked him to get them out of my car. Turns out, my car was locked and the keys were in the house. I told him "never mind." But instead, he went back in the house and got my keys to retrieve my sunglasses. He really does a lot of nice, little things. I need to pay more attention.

Of for our annual farm crop---Monday to Friday---no internet access. I'm sure I'll have a lot to report when I get back. I hope everyone has a great week.

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