Friday, October 30, 2009

This Is It!

I couldn't wait to see the MJ movie/documentary---This Is It! I was not disappointed. It was fabulous! Basically, it's the concert---but during rehearsals. You see some of the costumes, some of the sets---incredible---and lots of what we love about MJ---singing and dancing. The entire show is more of a theatrical event rather than just an ordinary concert. It's so hard to believe that at 50, he could still move and sing at the same time---and wasn't out of breath. He gave new life to all of the "oldies" including some cool new things with Thriller.

The tickets are $10.00. The movie made $20M the first DAY! You certainly would not have known it by our theater as there couldn't have been 15 people in there. I guess Nashville, TN is not an MJ fan capitol! The movie only runs for the next week and a half. I don't know why it's only running for a short time.

I'm sure it will come out on video, but you really should take the chance to see it on the big screen. After all, Michael Jackson was larger than life! 

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