Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Sickness Spreads

I spent the morning helping a friend re-organize her fairly organized scrapbook room. It was fun. Really. There's just something soothing to my soul to make order out of chaos (Chrissy, you better not be laughing at that). My friend (who shall remain nameless because maybe she doesn't want anyone to know that she enlisted my help) didn't have much chaos, but we made a difference. It was nice. It was nice to see that I am not the only "sick" one as we tried to find a place for her Spirograph (that we both (and Pam) had to have). Hers is still new in the box. At least I opened mine and played with it. Harder than I remember. I'll still try it on my pages now that I saw hers---that reminds me that I have one too. You know, the old, "outta sight, outta mind"! Totally true for me.

Relaxing evening. Greg, Sandy and I finally figured out how to web-chat. Mindy and I have been iChatting for several months now. Really fun. Eases the "missing you" pain. Elizabeth still doesn't want to have anything to do with it. But, she sat across the room and watched. By the end of our chat, she let Greg hold her, but still wouldn't talk to me.

Mindy is moving---upstairs at Commander's that is! She's gotten a promotion of sorts. She'll be a reservationist and starts training tomorrow. More hours and more money---great combination for her. She likes to be busy. Must take after her mom.

Busy, yeah, that's the ticket.

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