I love to do "this and that" posts once in awhile just to deal with all of the odd photos that I have.
I'm pretty sure I've already posted this photo (can you tell I don't even read my own blog?). Still, I think it's worth repeating. Gren, Diane's husband had this sweet greeting for us when we arrived. Love the little kiss in the corner---whether that was intentional or not!
I loved everything about this store--Cath Kidston. The counter made out of old suitcases was so cool! You can even see the tote that I bought displayed on the right.
I sent this photo to Connie. Five Guys is her favorite. I had no idea it originated in Nottingham some where in the 1600's!!
The Wonder Room was at Selfridges. I'm still wondering what's in there. Everything was pretty expensive, so I'm sure this room would have been off limits for me. I wonder what the little green sign means. Probably, "yikes, let me outta' here!"
Elizabeth snapped this shot of us on our train ride to Nottingham. We had quite a discussion about stitching that the "ticket taker" lady got in on. She showed us photos of her work. She spent quite a bit of time with us. I started to wonder whether she needed to get back to work. Or maybe, collecting the tickets is a very brief job, but someone has to do it!
Grenville and Diane own a bath outfitter shop. They showed us around. I was quite taken with the toilet that is all the rage in England. It's completely self-cleaning---no need for toilet paper. It "flushes you" and then dries you. I would have loved to give it a try, but it was for display only. Better for the environment AND our bottoms! Now if the toilet could clean itself, that'd really be somethin'!
This was my tea that the concierge carried to my room when I was lost in the hotel. This is what it still looked like when I threw it away. It was disgusting! Not the same at all!
When Gren got us in the Council House and we got that private tour, I stopped to look in this case of silver. Karolyn pointed this out. I thought it was pretty ironic, so had to take a picture. Of course back in 1961, you could still smoke everywhere!
I sent this picture to Butch---England's version of the dollar store. If this was in the states, they'd have to call it the "dollar and a quarter" store due to the conversion rate of the pound!
I'm always asking Diane what things mean. Bespoke means "custom"! After this, I seemed to see that word everywhere. Makes total sense when you know the meaning. I never knew that English was a foreign language! Another word Diane used at our book club meeting was "doddle". We all took notice and said (as only Americans can) "whaaattt?" with a puzzled look. Turns out "doddle" means a joke. Well, that "doddle" was on us! I'm not even sure if I've spelled that correctly. It could be "dottle."
I snapped a picture of this poster in the tube station. Here, we talk of sex slavery, but as far as I know, we don't have posters around---maybe because we don't have subways in TN. I think it's a good idea. I'm pretty oblivious to things and probably would have no idea even if I did "see something." Tennessee is supposed to be a bad place for this sort of thing.
That just about wraps it up. These are all of my leftovers from England. It's actually kind of sad. It sort of feels like I'm seeing England in the rear view mirror. Until next time...
I love the irony of the gift of a cigarette box from the Health Inspectors - things were certainly different back then! I wonder if 'doddle' is a regional word that means something different in various places because down here where I live, if something is a 'doddle' it means it was really easy to do. Same language, different meanings!