Finally---I'm ready to get them posted. I'm working on a heritage album for our Boewer family reunion
in April. They are not in any particular order.
This is a page about my dad's siblings. Just whatever random photos I had.This page is about my dad. When mom died, I got all of the "stuff." I scanned it all in and put the images on disks for my siblings. I didn't keep everything---split it up pretty evenly---but kept a few key things to put in the book---8th grade diploma, his rosary and ribbons with a couple medals.
This layout commemorates my dad's death. The envelopes are a tiny representative of the over 350 cash gifts received to the "Eugene Zimmermann Memorial Fund." He was a well respected member of the community. Mom got offers for free house-painting, furnace repairs and other services.
Left is my grandpa and grandma Zimmermann's wedding photo with all of the "kids" on the right.
This is the title page for the album---just your basic family tree---I plan to add some embellishments.
These photos are just some random family and friends. Not all are identified. I plan to have post it notes at the reunion for people to add bits of information for me.
I made a pocket here to hold my grandmother's eulogy. There's another article written by my cousin, Mark Zimmermann. He writes for the Catholic newspaper in Washington, D.C.
This page is about my grandpa Zimmermann---I have photos of photos of his war helmet and military photo as well as scenes from the cemetery. I couldn't resist photoing the road sign to their house.
This is just a big group of photos that I have no idea who the people are. Maybe some at the reunion will be able to help me identify some of them.
During my genealogical research, I discovered that my grandpa Zimmermann's mother, Amelia Bollenhagen, was in an orphanage along with her brother. I would really liked to have known that story. None of my aunts and uncles knew why they ended up there. AND THAT, MY FRIENDS, IS WHY I SCRAPBOOK---THE STORIES!! The most important thing to me!!!
Wow! I didn't think you got that much done. Lookin' good!