Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Sister the Big Fat Baby

I figure if Jeanne can "trash" me on her blog, then turn-about is fair play!! 

Jeanne's a big fat baby. Well, not that kind of fat, but the kind of fat you slung at your siblings growing up because you weren't allowed to use words any stronger, except maybe stupid, retarded, brat, fruit, jerk---but I digress.

I just want to call your attention to our hospital experience after the M.O.M. episode. Now that's what I call an appropriate acronym---Milk Of Magnesia and MOM. I'd say that darting from the room every 5 minutes and "ditching" your big sister when the "sh*t" hit the proverbial fan is far worse than shopping at a boycotted nursery. Wouldn't you?

Oh, yeah, she's a big fat stupid too. She almost killed our mother by dispensing the wrong medicines---that "I" had clearly measured and marked!! Jennifer also earns this title as she did the same thing. Wait a minute---they were together when Jennifer messed up the meds. Maybe they had a plan, got caught, so Jeanne tried to complete it on her own! 

Okay Jeanne, I take it all back. You're visiting me in July and I don't want to worry about any mishaps that may cause me harm in my own pool!!!


  1. Everyone,
    don't believe her - she's exaggerating, I swear! Besides, I never claimed to be a nurse, much less a good nurse!

  2. All I can say is - thank God Sandy is the oldest!!


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