Sunday, January 19, 2025

Something for Sunday

1. While Jordan was home for Christmas, she was going through some stuff in her closet. She found this:
She thought this pillow was stolen years ago during a move. I'm just happy she found it. Isn't it so cute?

2. Karolyn came over and fixed my sewing machine. I'm lucky that she can do it. I'm kind of afraid of it now. I told Karolyn that it really bothers me that I cannot seem to learn this sewing machine. I mean, come on--how hard can it be? Well, apparently too hard for me! I'm going to try it just one more time. If I mess it up, I quit! Using a sewing machine very well might be the first thing in my life that I wasn't able to master. I believe in that saying "practice makes perfect." I'm used to teaching myself things and having success. I might have to accept that this is not for me.

3. So, while I'm thinking of scrapbooking, I've had another malfunction. Now, first, I have to say that I have printed on transparenies at least a hundred times. I don't recall ever having a problem--until this time. This happened:
This was a paper jam the likes of which I've never seen. Somehow, the transparency got sucked into the area where the ink cartridges are. The ink cartridge carrier was all tangled up in it. 
I managed to get it free, but was worried about how it was going to print. I thought the print head might be all messed up. After testing it, all was fine. I put another transparency through and it worked perfectly. 
You might be wondering why I still subject myself to this aggravation. Well, because most of the time it's a relaxing, enjoyable hobby. But when it's not---it's not! 

4. Earlier in the week, I mentioned to Butch that the tile around the sink needed caulking. The next day, he was "on" it!
He's really good at keeping up with everything. I love that! He keeps a spreadsheet of all the household chores he needs to do on a regular basis. and then he follows it.


1 comment:

  1. How lucky you are to have Butch! Printers can be so mischievous sometimes can't they? You ask them to do a job they've done thousands of times before and they chew it up, concertina it like a fan and trap it inside their jaws! I'm pleased it did no lasting damage!


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