Monday, January 27, 2025

Me on Monday

Today, I"m going to share something about myself that I'm pretty sure you don't know. You do know that I can tend to be obsessive/compulsive about many things, but I don't think I've ever said this out loud. I "hoard" scrap paper. That's right, I hoard scrap paper. Not the kind I scrapbook with (although I do have tons of that), but just regular scrap paper.

There, I've said it. It's crazy. I know it. I have bundles of it all over.
I have stacks and stacks.
Everywhere. I also have lots and lots (really--lots) of blank books and journals---I've actually stuffed some scrap paper in this one. 
I use it to make lists--like "to do" or grocery lists. 
I use it to sort pictures I'm going to scrapbook, make journal notes or sketches. So in a sense, I do use it for scrapbooking. 

Where do I get all this scrap paper, you might ask? It's anything that I print out and no longer need. A lot of it is junk mail. I figure if we're wasting trees, I should at least get the most out of them.

And I'm not the only one. Butch does it too!
But, he carries it a step further. I just fold it in half. He takes the time to cut his in fourths!

Yeah, I guess we were made for each other!

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, this is me too! It's crazy how much scrap paper there is to use up!


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