It seems to happen fairly often that Butch prints exactly when I’m trying to print photos, thus ruining a lot of photo paper—which isn’t cheap.
And then there have been the times when I’ve forgotten to take out the extra photo paper and it gets printed on (remember when Butch was going to Guatemala and had to take his boarding pass printed on glossy photo paper? I forgot to ask him how that went! Anyway, that's more wasted paper).
Then there are the times that I’ve forgotten that I have the printer set on “double-sided” which means that it’s unusable —a sloppy inky mess. This has happened too many times. I think I finally have it in my head to check that.
And then today (I’m writing this on Saturday), I ran out of yellow ink—mid-printing. Little did I know that when I opened the lid to install a new ink cartridge, that meant that the “job” would start all over again and re-print—all 8 pages--when there was only one left to go!! Another waste!
I know what you are thinking: "All of this sounds like user errors!" Yeah, I know. But it does make me hate my printer. And sometimes Butch!
It sometimes feels like printers ought to have a message that flashes up saying 'are you sure you have the right paper installed and that you've checked all the settings'!