Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday Thoughts About...


I'm about at the end of my rope with airports and airplanes. I just told Butch that recently--"I'm about done with airports and airplanes." 

Let's start with those airports.

I can't even say that I've had any issues on my recent trips. That doesn't make me feel better. It's just a matter of time. It's the airports themselves. I'm sick of the overcrowded-ness of them. There are lines everywhere. I don't like crowds. The older I get, the worse that gets. I just do not like crowds. Heck, I don't even like to see one person when I'm out walking in my neighborhood. I want to be totally alone!

I'm sick of how people dress. Since when is it okay to wear your pajamas at the airport and on planes? I understand little kids, but adults? Many dress so slovenly--it makes me sick. I get--wanting to be comfortable, but I think people have taken that to extremes. And what's up with all those slippers? Yuck! I cannot imagine wearing my slippers in the airport. I've shared how dirty my suitcase wheels are. Why would anyone want to wear slippers and then wear them at home? That's just wrong. 

Oh, and don't get me started on the dogs! I'm still not over the "pile" I dodged at the Charlotte airport!

So now--about the actual planes themselves. I'm sick of everything about them. They are cold--freezing. They are over-crowded--most of the time. The seats are not comfortable. Okay, I'll admit, that could be just me. My feet don't rest comfortably on the floor--which means I have to keep adjusting my legs to keep them from falling asleep. It's really annoying. The snacks are crappy. It's just never a good experience.

Okay, I'm done venting. I'm just dreading the fact that I have 3 trips in the next 5 weeks. I am not looking forward to the whole airport situation. At. All. And I'm already dreading all of them. 

1 comment:

  1. I always pay a little extra to get fast tracked through security going out of the UK and passport control coming home, worth every single penny! Not sure I've ever seen anyone wearing slippers and pyjamas, that definitely wouldn't be my choice of clothing. I don't think I've ever seen a dog at an airport (apart from assistance animals) but I guess not many people take their dog overseas, I can't imagine taking Coco on a plane!
    I know what you mean about finding a comfortable position on the plane, I'm only 5' 1" and my little legs don't always reach the floor! At least I can't complain about the lack of legroom though ;-)


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