Thursday, July 4, 2024

Five Things Thursday

I have some fun stuff to share today.

1. My nephew, Zachary sent me these photos of making gnocchi with his kids. It was my grandma Preli's recipe that I sent him years ago. 

They look perfect! What a great thing to make with kids. I haven't made them in quite some time. But, I'm going to! here is my grandma's recipe:

Grandma Preli’s Gnocchis 

I wrote this recipe down as she made them. She didn’t really measure anything.

1 1/2 cups mashed potatoes (can use leftover mashed potatoes or instant—I’ve used both and you can’t tell the difference)

2 egg yolks

2 cups flour

1. Mix slightly beaten egg yolks in to the mashed potatoes. Slowly add flour, mixing well. Knead with hands until dough doesn’t stick adding more flour if necessary. 

2. Pinch off about a walnut sized piece of dough. Roll with your hands until you have a rope about the size of your finger. Cut in to one inch pieces. With the tines of a fork, roll the piece diagonally toward you and then flip it. (I don’t really know how to describe this). Place on lightly floured surface and let dry at least an hour (I usually make them in the morning and cook them at night).

3. Drop in boiling water and cook until they float to the top. Strain and serve.

They are really so easy!

2. This pretty much says it all:

And if you add books and the tv, I could totally live there!

3. How about a beautiful picture of Nashville?
This one came from channel 2 news. The colors...this would make a pretty picture--framed. Hmmm, I just might have to do it. 

4. Are you sick of my garden pictures yet? I hope not 'cause there are more a-comin'!

These beauties are perennial hibiscus. They start blooming the end of June through the fall. Lots of flowers, but they only last one day. Even though the blooms are short-lived, they are continuous so it seems never-ending. It's hard to tell, but those flowers are 10" in diameter. The ones behind these are a deeper pink. It is just starting to bloom, so I'll have to get a picture.

5. And last, I just had to share this little guy.
See him?
He is about the flattest thing. If he hadn't flown by me and landed, I never would have noticed him. He's tiny--about 1 inch in width. He let me get up close to take this picture. 

I'm spending so much time outside enjoying the beauty--even in the heat. As long as I have shade, I'm fine. I enjoy reading to the chirping of the birds--okay, to the annoying mowers, not so much! But that's a frustration and it's not Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Those hibiscus are beautiful. Such delicate flowers and so pretty. Ours are just starting to bud, our climate means we will have to wait another month or two until we can enjoy them.


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