Saturday, March 1, 2025

Scrapbook Saturday

This year, I'm doing something a little different. I'm doing a monthly spread like I did last year, but in a different format. 
It's a 7x10" journal. This is the title page.
This is my January layout.
Thanks to my friend, Karolyn, my sewing machine is up and running again! I made these cute journal cards by cutting vellum heart strips and sewing them down the center. I think they're cute, but I haven't used them yet.
This is the title page of my first album for 2025. I think I want to do just one layout each month. That means, I'm going to have to decide what is the most important story to tell each month.
This is one of the layouts I did on our retreat. These pictures and story goes all the way back to the mid-90's.

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