Monday, December 16, 2024

Monday Mystery

I was at Sam's last week and saw my first robot. It was roaming the aisles. 
As I was approaching from the other direction, it just stopped until I passed. Then it turned down another aisle. It was kind of weird seeing something drive itself. I don't know what it was doing. It wasn't carrying anything.

That's the mystery: What was it doing? Maybe it was related to security or something. I have no idea. I think the next time I'm there, I'll ask someone.

On another mystery, it looks like it only took Disney 6 weeks to find my car keys--even though I described my hot pink carabiner with a yellow rubber duckie hanging off of it! I was positive they didn't even look! 

I have to admit, I was pretty surprised to have heard from them. I was pretty certain that when they sent me that letter two weeks after I left it, saying that they "could not find my item and were closing the case"--I was certain I would never hear from them again! But, I did. They are mailing my keys. I'm so happy that we didn't replace them yet! To have a new key made was going to be several hundred dollars. Now we don't have to worry about that. 

At least that's one mystery solved!

1 comment:

  1. Now let's just hope they don't get lost in the post ;-)


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