Sunday, August 23, 2020

Scrapbook Sunday

A few weeks ago, I was giving Jeanne and Janet a hard time because even with quarantining, they didn't manage to get their AYM pages done. I asked them, "what in the heck have you been doing when you were staying home?" They didn't really have a good excuse. Since they feared being "kicked out" of the club, they put it in gear!! 

This year, we're doing a "book of favorites"!

Here are Janet's layouts:
Her favorite drinks are frozen, sweet drinks.
Her favorite memory is a week at the beach with the grandkids.
Her favorite day of the week is Sunday since it's her family day. She cooks two meals for the family so they have leftovers for the week.
Her favorite quarantine project was babysitting for the grands!
Her favorite jewelry.
Her favorite city is Branson, MO. I'm seeing a theme here---most of her favorite revolve around the family!
Her favorite first road trip was a trip out west. 
She hasn't finished all of her journaling, but she's well on her way!

And now for Jeanne's layouts.
Jeanne's favorite memory is of her best friend growing up.
Her favorite quarantine project was a landscaping project.
Her favorite city is Pompeii when we were on our sister's trip to Italy.
Her favorite jewelry.
Her favorite drink is beer!

Although Jeanne has a couple more to do, she has her journaling done. I've always been a proponent of doing it right away. Sometimes if you say you'll do it later, you don't. 

So that's it for today!



  1. Sometimes people just need a gentle nudge to get them to sit down and get things done - lucky they have you there to be on their case! You're so right, if you don't do something straight away it does tend to get put on the back burner.

  2. Yes, deadlines can be very motivating. Thanks for sharing all of these.


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