Wednesday, July 24, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday

Today, I have to admit to a stupid purchase. You know that old saying, "If it's too good to be true---it usually is"? Well, I cannot believe I got sucked in to something so stupid. I should have known better.
I'm so aggravated with myself, that I don't even care if it's a crappy picture. You get the gist of it.

Let's back up to the story.

In February, I went to Chicago to visit Morgan. We had a great weekend together. We stayed at The Drake Hotel. One evening, when we got back to the hotel, a girl (hotel employee) stopped us and offered us a great deal for being a loyal Hilton Honors customer. 

I'm just going to cut to the chase here. She offered me 3 nights and 4 days at The Drake or any other Hilton property for $409. I jumped at it---that was half of what we were paying  for that weekend.

Once I got home and looked in to it, it's one of those "come ons" for a timeshare. What??! I cannot believe I was hoodwinked. Not once was that mentioned. 

So now, we have a decision to make--I say we--because if Butch goes with me, he has to attend the presentation too. We planned to use it for Sedona so he could go to the Barrett Jackson car auction--one of his bucket list items (well, to actually buy a car). We're trying to decide if we're willing to be held captive for a couple hours or just chalk it up to another stupid life lesson. 

I'm leaning towards the stupid lesson. You would think with all of my life lessons, I wouldn't have fallen for this one. I liked to pride myself in being too smart for a scam. Although this is not technically a scam, I still fell for it and that makes me mad!

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