Sunday, July 7, 2024

Something for Sunday

So about two weeks ago, when Sandy was here, I had the "gang" over for dinner. Mitchell and Emily presented me with a hand full of herbs, cherry tomatoes and a regular tomato from their garden.
I promptly put the herbs in a glass of water and they are still thriving today. Also, I love the smell of the basil when you walk in the kitchen. I haven't used any of them yet because--honestly, I don't really cook that much. But for as long as they last, I'll enjoy them right here like this. Plus, they look so pretty! I think I'll leave the lemon stuff all summer. 

And, let me bore you one more time with some of my flowers on the patio.
The hibiscus (upper left) continues to bloom profusely. And the impatiens that are growing  ON TOP of the patio in nothing more than a thin layer of moss continues to thrive. You can barely see to the right--there are more sprouting up. The red begonia is a little worse for wear. Something--I suppose it's the darn rabbits--laid in it and sort of smashed it. So rather than being full and bushy like it was before, it's now smashed and spread out. But it's still going and I'm happy about that!

One morning--early, when I was out walking (about 5:30 a.m.--yeah, I'm bragging)--a guy stopped me. Yes there are other people out walking this early. Not too many--which is why I like it. 

He asked me if I lived to the left of the house that is for sale. In my mind, I wondered how--out of 40 houses in the neighborhood--he knew which was mine. Hmm, could I have an early morning stalker?? Somehow that's not as scary as a nighttime stalker.
Anyway, he asked about these flowers. I told him that they are perennialhibiscusandthat eachbloomonlylastsasingleday. I'm pretty sure he was sorry he asked as I started rambling.
You really don't want to get me going on flowers. I can talk for days. But one thing I really can't do anymore is recall the latin names. I used to know ALL of my flowers by their latin names. Now-a-days, it's a miracle if I can come up with their common names--quickly. My quick recall is almost non-existent. I'm just praying that it's due to age and not something else which no one wants to think about!

Wow, that took a dark turn. So let me leave this post on a happier note. Yesterday, I was finally able to go over to Connie's to help with the new house. There is still a lot to be done and I've added more dates to my calendar. But, as if I couldn't learn another thing about moving and organizing, I did:
1. You don't really need 4 people to hang a picture. 
2. It does take 4 people to keep track of the container of nails and the hammer.
3. It only takes one person to sort and put things where they belong (apparently the other three missed this lesson in "Moving 101." 
4. This old gal absolutely cannot get on a stepping stool or ladder (and won't). 
5. None of us can move or even scoot heavy things by ourselves anymore. 
6. McDonald's tastes really good after a few hours of work--or maybe it's more about the sitting down! Even Connie remarked that I "let us" sit down this time!
7. I don't like an uneven list, so now I'm just rambling.
8.Sometimes a daughter might know something that her daddy doesn't!
9. When there's work to be done a teenage son suddenly disappears!
10. The dog behaved!

Okay, I'll definitely be reporting back on the move. One thing I also realized--I still love doing it. I am determined that by this time next week, we'll have the whole place whipped in to shape!!

Oh, and one last thing. My friends know that if they enlist my "help" they have to let me be the boss--and they did! I sort of just take over (I can't help it--it's that oldest child thing). Jack, Connie and Amanda, thanks for that! It was fun and energizing--my head is spinning with ideas!

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