Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

Okay, it's been a week since I mentioned Taylor Swift. This week, it's her "words of wisdom!"

Speaking of Taylor Swift, a few more facts:
Taylor changed the world of football thanks to her “Love Story,” with Travis
🤍 Taylor attended 13 games last year
❤️ She brought in $331.5 million for the NFL last year
💛 Kelce jerseys spiked 400% after Swift attended her first game
Kelce and Swift’s relationship is serious; she isn’t going anywhere any time soon!
It’s simple, “You Need To Calm Down”

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tuesday Thoughts About...

...These pumpkins:

They creep me out! There's something wrong with them. They are called "knucklehead pumpkins!" They have boxes of them at the grocery store. They also refer to them as warts caused by a fungus. It just seems gross to me.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Me on Monday

50 Things about me:

1. Who are you named after? No one that I know of.

2. Last time you cried? I cry often during movies. I think the last time I "boohooed" was probably when my brother died.

3. Do you like your handwriting? Yes, although I liked it better when I was younger. I think I might be out of practice since we don't write much.

4. What is your favorite meat? White meat chicken.

5. Longest relationship? Married 53 years.

6. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.

7. Would you bungee jump? Yes, I think I would like it.

8. What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon toast Crunch for sugared, Special K for "un."

9. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No.

10. Do you think you're strong? For a 72 yr. old gal I do.

11. Favorite ice cream? Baskin Robbins Pistatcio Almond--but ti's been years. I need to go!

12. What is the first thing you notice about a person? Their hair.

13. Football or Rugby? Neither--I'm not in to sports.

14. What color trousers are you wearing? Black.

15. Last thing you ate? Spinach ravioli and salad.

16. What are you listening to? Your Honor on Netflix.

17. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Aquamarine.

18. What is your favorite smell? cinnamon or frasier fur.

19. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Facetime: Walter & Chris

20. Hair color? blonde

21. Eye color? hazel

22. Favorite foods to eat? cake--especially Dessert Designs

23. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings.

24. Last movie you watched? Black Mass (Johnny Depp).

25. What color shirt are you wearing? Taylor Swift print.

26. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas.

27. Beer or wine? wine.

28. Night Owl or Morning Person? Morning person--very early morning.

29. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? I like it right here, but if I had another house I would like it to be in England.

30. Favorite day of the week? Friday.

31. Favorite pie: I'm not a huge pie lover, but I do like fudge pie with peppermint ice cream.

32.  How old are you: 72.

33. How many tattoos: 0

34. Ever hit a deer: no 

35. Rode in an ambulance: No

36.  Ice skated: yes

37. Rode a motorcycle: no.

38. Stayed in hospital: only when having babies.

39. Last cell phone call: my brother Matt.

40. Last text from : Stephanie

41, Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke

42. Favorite season: I like them all.

43. Broken bones: wrist (2), arm, ankle, foot (2), toe

44. Least favorite color: Purple or orange

45. Sunrise or Sunset: Sunrise.

46. Ocean or Mountains: mountains.

47. First Job: selling cards door-to-door for the Cheerful Card Company when I was in the 5th grade.

48. Favorite Candy:  Russel Stover

49. Your Vehicle color: my favorite is white, but my car is sparkly brown. 

50. Can you drive a stick: Yes, I learned when I was 16 and my best friend and I got a job soliciting for Charles Chips. They gave us a 1963 Chevy as a company car!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Scrapbook Saturday

About a week and a half ago, I met up with an old scrapbook friend. We had dinner together and talked about scrapbooking for nearly 2 hours. I don't really have anyone I can talk non-stop about scrapbooking so that part was fun. We got a picture together.
Obviously, she's much younger than me. Outside of scrapbooking, we don't have much in common. Still, I could get together with her once in a while to discuss our hobby. We'll see...

I came across this and thought it was cute:
If you didn't see the movie 50 Shades of Grey, you might not get it! He is referring to a room full of sexual toys. And then the picture below is the pleasure room of scrapbookers. Now you "get it!"

Speaking of movies, I got this from Regal Unlimited:

That's a lot of movies and a whole lot of money saved!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Five Things Thursday

I have never been to New York City in the fall. But, based on these pictures, I want to go!!
A view from Central Park.
That looks like the flat iron building to me.
I don't know where this is.
Another view from Central Park.
More Central Park. Stands to reason, that's where the most trees are!

I'll be posting lots of beautiful fall pictures. Considering orange is one of my least favorite colors, it's hard to believe that I've collected so many. I think it's because of all the colors together: red, orange, yellow--so pretty.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday

About two weeks ago, my friend, Beth Ann sent me this Taylor Swift Apple Watch band along with a "thank you" note for my taking her to the TS concert (by those up-and-comers in the music business--not really TS).
But here's the thing. I didn't own an Apple Watch. I've been on the fence about it for a long time. In fact, before receiving this gift, Butch had mentioned that he was thinking about asking for an Apple Watch for Christmas. I said, "Or, you can just buy yourself one now." At that time, nothing more was really said. 

When I got the watch band, now all of a sudden, I wanted the watch too. I started by calling T-Mobile to see what kind of deal they had going. They had a "buy one, get one-half price." I texted Stephanie to see if it was a good deal. All of the girls have an Apple Watch and most of the guys (2 out of 3). So now we were really in the market. Steph did more research and said that Walmart had the best deal. Butch and I made a date to go after I played bridge the next day.

During my bridge game, I kept thinking about it. I finally decided that it was pretty stupid to spend $200 just so I could wear a $20.00 watch band! By the time I got home, I'd changed my mind and talked myself out of it. 

Butch went ahead and ordered his watch from Walmart. It arrived the day before Sandy and Greg came into town. As Sandy was telling him about the watch and features, there was one thing that really sold it for me: I can listen to podcasts or audiobooks while I'm out walking without having to carry my phone! I already was interested in some of the health features. 

Sooo, two days after Butch got his watch, I got mine! Sandy showed me a few things, Steph showed me a few things and then I watched some tutorials. Now I am not the type who is afraid of technology. I take the time to look at every single thing!
So I did. There are way more health features than I even knew about. There's one that really makes me happy--it measures how steady you are on your feet. So far, I am average! It monitors just about everything regarding my heart--I LOVE that. And this was my favorite thing that I've learned so far: my heart is very healthy--above average for my age! Heart disease runs in my family--my dad died at age 36 from a heart attack. My mom had AFIB and the twins have it too. The fact that I have an above-average heart is so motivating for me--my whole goal is to have a healthy heart! That's where the walking comes in which takes me right back to being able to listen without having to carry my phone!

It's the best $200 I've spent.