Sunday, April 2, 2023

Something for Sunday

Here's the story:

We had a perfectly working security system—that we never used. We keep it because whether you use the system or not, the fire component is always working. There was one time that fire trucks showed up and knocked on the door. Turns out it was a false alarm, but I was happy to know that we still had fire protection whether we were using our alarm system or not. 

Anyway, about a year ago, we were told that someone needed to come out to update our system—at no cost to us. They came out and disabled our old system only to discover that it was too old to update. Someone was going to call us to discuss it. That never happened.

Fast forward to last week—I called them. The guy I spoke to happens to be the son of the man who owned the company when we got our first system in our first house since moving to Nashville in 1985 after we had been robbed in 1987. (Whew, that was a packed sentence full of information and a challenge to figure out! I'm just going to leave it!) That small, family-owned business was later absorbed by a larger company. Still, the son of the original company works for them. 

“Joe” proceeded to tell me that our system was too old to just be updated. We are going to require new equipment. Oh, and to be fair, I had never updated our phone information when we got rid of our home phone years ago—so that’s why they never got back to us. Anyway, when told our “old” system needs to be replaced, I said we weren’t going to do it if it was too expensive—say more than $200. He said it would be closer to $1000. To which I responded, “Well, then put our old system back in place. All I know is that I had a working security system until you came and disabled it.” 

He was very nice but replied that we’d have to put a dedicated home phone line back in place in order for that to happen. He said he was going to talk to his bosses and find out what he might be able to do for us. I reminded him that we were 35+ year customers when his dad owned the business. I haven’t heard anything back yet. I think it's been about two weeks now.

Soooo, in the meantime, I brought Butch up-to-date on the situation. Now one thing you need to know about us: WE NEVER SET OUR ALARM—whether we’re home or not. Having been robbed all those years ago, you would think we would. But, since moving into this house 28 years ago, the French doors are not airtight. That means that any breeze would blow the valance in the dining room and set off the alarm. 

As we were discussing the situation, I said to Butch, “Really, so what if someone breaks in. What are they going to take? We’re trying to get rid of stuff anyway. Maybe they would be doing us a favor by hauling it away! Besides, we know that no one wants our stuff!” 

Isn’t that the truth!? The only thing would be my jewelry—and I’m about ready to give it all away anyhow. 

I guess we’ll just wait and see what the final answer is. But one thing is for sure, we won't be setting the alarm even if we get it updated. I'd still like to have the fire protection. We'll see...

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