Sunday, October 13, 2024

Something for Sunday

1. I love that Morgan sends me pictures of her holiday decorating.
Her porch looks so good! 

She also sent me a couple photos of her dining room.

Doesn't her table look great? Notice the cat on the right? Well, that's a needlepoint piece I made a few years ago. She gave me a "shout-out" on Facebook saying that it was one of her most prized possessions! That makes me happy!

2. Speaking of Morgan, she sent me this:
She's starting a bookclub!! This girl is a real "go-getter"! She's exactly like me in so many ways (maybe not all good)!! Anyway, I told her that I would love to join--long distance. I'm excited to see what 20-somethings are reading. I'll read the books and send her my remarks! My book club has just two generations--Steph is the only one representing the younger one. Morgan's bookclub will have skipped a generation and have the perspective of a really old lady! I can't wait!

3. Mindy has starting doing some substitute teaching. 
This was her first day of school! I love her lunchbox!
She decided to wear flats not knowing how much standing she would have to do. There was an exciting incident which reminded her of "A Christmas Story." A boy (not in the class she was subbing for) got his leg stuck in the playground equipment and the fire department had to come. She said it took about an hour for 4 firemen to get him out. Needless to say, she enjoyed her first day!

4. Last Sunday, the girls and I, along with longtime family friend, Amanda (Connie's daughter) went to The City Winery for brunch and a show.
It was billed as "Mama Mia." So, I thought we were seeing that show. Instead, we saw the "Neon Queens"--a couple of gals singing ABBA songs. It wasn't very good, but we made the best of it and had a great time.

5. Justin got a new t-shirt--Amy Winehouse. Mindy sent me pictures of the label. Now this poses a question: Who needs to read the care label of a t-shirt?
Maybe it was an expensive t-shirt. Anyway, he turned it over and found this:
That is so hilarious!! It's obvious that this t-shirt was made in England!

I hope you are having a Sunday fun day! I am! 

1 comment:

  1. I love that care instruction label - excellent advice! Mindy certainly had a first day at school experience she won't forget - let's hope there is less drama from now on!


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