Sunday, June 2, 2024

Something for Sunday

Well, my pictures are not cooperating. I don't know why that happens occasionally. It's so frustrating. Here goes. 

Morgan and Olly have been working hard on their yard. The before and after pictures are further down in this post.
These are some "chicks" from their "hens & chickens"--picture further down. 

This is their vegetable garden. Hopefully the dogs will stay out of it.

The rock instead of mulch is a midwest thing. 

A friend sent them these wind chimes in memory of their dog, Walter who recently died.
This is the before.

This is the after. It's coming along! Doesn't their porch look inviting?

I remember the days when we were excited about landscaping. Now, not so much. I'm happy that they are having so much fun with it. Their hard work will pay off. 

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