Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday Mystery

Do you know what this is?
It's a jar opener. 

I have had many different types--the rubber band gripper, the rubbery sheet and even one that had handles and expanded. Butch broke that one. I bought this one to replace it. I don't seem to have the strength in my hands I once had. This works just fine. 

But then, I actually saw a trick recently. I haven't had a chance to try it as I haven't opened a new jar of anything. There were several things to try, but the two I remember are:
1. Put the heels of your hand (I guess that's what you call the fleshy part), interlock your fingers and press the heals together until you hear a "pop" which means you've broken the seal, thus making the jar easy to open.
2. The other tip which sounds more like something I can do is:
Using a knife or fork, put the tip under the jar and sort of pry it until you hear the "pop". This one sounds doable, but I'm not going to like it if it bends up my cutlery!

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