Sunday, August 9, 2020

Some Things for Sunday

Just a few things for Sunday!

My sister from Texas is selling this sweet little 1965 Volkswagen. I think it's so cute, but more work than Butch wants to take on. 
Before book club a couple weeks ago, Stephanie and I drove around the old neighborhood. Saw this cute little lending library. I just love coming across these! They are so darn cute too!
My brother sent me this selfie along with his beautiful tomatoes below.
I wish I lived close enough to pick some up! He said that he had 127 tomatoes from 5 plants this year. He keeps track of everything! I'll bet he can tell me how many fish he's caught this year too!
My cousin, Mark sent me this picture of our grandparents house while he was cruising our old neighborhood in north St. Louis. This is the tiniest house. It has 2 little bedrooms that can only hold a double or one twin bed. There's a tiny kitchen and living room--one bath. If I were guessing, it's about 600 sq. ft. Like I said, really small. To put it in perspective for my family, I'd say the entire house could fit in our family room. My grandparents moved here when they retired. They didn't need much space. And there is a basement. Grandpa's garden was bigger than the house!! My sister, Jeanne ended up buying it from them at one point. I don't remember how long she kept it.

Another article about how your kids don't want your stuff and what you can do with it. Kind of sad, but the generations after we "boomers" are living with less. They'd rather spend their money on entertainment. That's okay, of course, but still kind of sad. What's going to happen to all of the family portraits??

I guess that's about it for this week!

1 comment:

  1. What a great selection of pictures - and what an interesting article at the end. We've just had to empty my mother in laws house and it is sad that some of the pictures and china she treasured really have no place in our home but what to do with them? We have enough 'stuff' of our own that we should probably get rid of!


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