Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Turns Out, I'm Nosy!

People are on their cell phones every where you go these days. It's gotten so bad, that people speak as if it doesn't matter if they are overheard. Or, maybe they just don't care. Just today, I overheard this from a 20-something: "It hasn't shipped yet." What hasn't shipped? I really wanted to know and followed her just a little ways. By then, it seemed that the conversation had moved on.

A snippet from another 20-something: "a perfunctory kiss on the cheek." Hmmm, was she talking about a first date or something. I wanted to know.

Then this from a 50-something woman: "God wants us to stand up." I wasn't hanging around for that one. I carry enough Catholic guilt---I don't need anything else to think about.

The point of this is that I wanted to know more. I wanted to know what was going on with these people. Probably nothing all that interesting, but from an outsider, it sounded like it could be.

I follow over 200 blogs. I enjoy getting a little glimpse in to the everyday lives of random people around the country and world. I kind of feel like I know these people that have become my internet friends.

What all this leads to is that I've finally discovered why I am so passionate about people telling the stories behind their pictures. I'm just plain nosy. And I don't think I'm alone. I truly believe that 50 years from now, people will be interested in how we lived. I would give anything to have photos of my grandmother's stove or that wringer washing machine---or maybe a shot of her jewelry box.

Call me nosy, but without that information, it's just pictures on a pretty page.


  1. Oh I do so agree Barbara. I love to hear the story behind the pictures. That's surely what scrapbooking is all about.

  2. I'll put my hand up for this one too. I'm not afraid to stand up and be counted lol - I'm nosy too. A genuine interest in people makes a blog reading habit essential for me too


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