Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday

I have terrible hair. This is nothing new. I've been saying it for years. It's very fine. I always thought it was thin, but all of my hairdressers through the years tell me that that's not true. It's fine--baby fine--but I have a lot of it. I have always been on a quest to thicken it up or at least give it the appearance of thick hair. I am a sucker for those products--none of which work. 

I thought I would share with you the products I currently have:
Yep, nine products---none of them work. I've been drawn in by beautiful women with beautiful hair. Many have been celebrities. They are ALL liars! They start with a "before" picture that looks like my hair and then are transformed into a beautiful fullness I want--but will never have. It's the beginning photos that are fake. I'm not sure how they manage to have flat hair for the before pictures. But I am absolutely sure that none of these products can produce the lush, full look that are the "afters." 

Do I sound bitter? Well, I am. I've wasted too darn much money on empty promises. I vow--right now--that I am not going to buy one more hair product with false promises. Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me dozens of times---yeah, I know, I'm the fool!

Actually, there was a time when my hair had plenty of fullness. The 80's early 90's when perms were in style. That gave me the fullness I wanted. But, perms are out. My hairdresser says she won't even do them. 

This is me today--after two products!
Oh well, I guess I'm destined to have flat hair. I need to give up the dream! I'm not spending another dime!

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling that, with my hair, it's not so much which product you use but how you blow dry it! My hairdresser always gets much more 'lift' to my hair than I can and I use the same products that he does. Frustrating eh?


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