Monday, September 2, 2024

Me on Monday

Who said printing at home is cheaper? Not when this happens:
I wasted 24 sheets of photo paper because I forgot to “turn off” printing on both sides! Which, of course, leads to this...
Inky fingers right before a lunch date!! Sheesh! And, it’s not the first time I’ve done this! 

When will I learn to remember to turn off the “print on both sides” feature? I’m usually pretty good about learning from my mistakes. God knows I've made enough of them!

I’m blaming it on the “age” thing!

So, as if this was enough of a waste of photo paper, I forgot to take the extra out of the printer. As a result, Butch printed his travel documents on shiny photo paper. When he whips them out at the airport, the counter agents are going to think he's nuts!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I can remember doing this at work, not checking to see if the person before me had printed double sided - so frustrating. I do hope the airport scanners can read the QR codes on Butch's boarding passes and they are not dazzled by the shiny paper!


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