Thursday, September 19, 2024

Five Things Thursday

Or, how about five pictures instead?

On Tuesday, my friends and I went to Cheekwood (our botanical gardens) for a tea. The tea itself was average--with flavored tea bags--you know what a purist I am. I want a teapot all to myself. Plus it's fancier that way--and a proper tea is fancy!!

Anyway, there were 6 of us and we had a great time--per usual when we're together. Diane is back from Nottingham, so it was good to see her.
Afterwards, we strolled through the garden--a little--and took some pictures. From the front: Karolyn (who organized the event), Pam and Diane. It was a beautiful day with mild weather.

Okay, from left and clockwise: Karolyn, Diane, Pam, Nancy A, me and Nancy E.

This picture looks frame worthy!

How about a few more fall pictures? I have so many---at least a month's worth! These are all home decor. I love it, but don't decorate much anymore. Kinda' sad, but it's so much work! I've grown lazy in my older years.

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