Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday...

I am taking an organizing class for scrapbooking. Now anyone who knows me knows how organized I am. But 1. I Love classes and 2. I love organizing classes. I always think if I just learn one new thing it will have been worth it. That doesn't always happen, but it did this time.

That class led to this organizer box for my journal cards.
I also purchased some dividers. I couldn't wait to fill it. 
Now everything is all nice and neat. Okay, it was all nice and neat before, but the box looks good and makes it easy to flip through.

Last week, Mindy surprised me with a Starbucks tea. She always picks one up for me when she's coming over. This particular day was " reuseable straw" day. Not the cup--that's mine. The striped straw is cute. I love that Mindy thinks of me when she's coming over and stopping at Starbucks! It's always a nice surprise.
The best part? I didn't have to buy it! 

Lastly, I stopped at a farmer's market for some fresh vegetables. 
What you see here is an Athena melon (a muskmelon--even though I don't know wha that is), 2 Yukon gold potatoes, 1 sweet potato, some zucchini and black beauty tomatoes. I've mentioned before the high price of fresh produce. What you see here is $27 worth! But, it's worth it. I do love fresh veggies.

That's it for this week.

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