Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It ain't Mayberry, but I can hear the whistling!

Different state,  different kid, different dad, different story. Here we go...

So. When the “littles”—who aren’t so little anymore—were here for Camp Aunt Barb, 12 year old Travis was telling me about his new job. He’s mowing lawns! Of course, that’s the quintessential job for pre-teen boys. It's a rite of passage isn't it? Lawn mowing. But for this young entrepreneur, he has come up with a brilliant plan! He hired his dad to work for him. After all, who else could handle the weedeater which can be dangerous for a kid? 

Orrrrr, maybe there’s more to it than that. Perhaps Brian, an airline pilot for American Airlines wanted a “side gig!” Everyone needs a “side gig”—right? Yeah, that’s it. 

Orrrr, maybe Brian was longing for a way to recall the days of his own youth? Nah, that can’t be right. Most kids end up hating the mowing. 

Orrr, maybe Brian sees the money in mowing! Travis gets $30 per lawn. He says it takes about a half hour. 60 bucks an hour sounds pretty good. Oh wait, dad is a free worker! Okay, that’s not it!

Orrrr, maybe he just wanted to get out of the house for awhile. Yeah because everyone would rather be outside sweating in the hot sun and batting away insects rather than relaxing on the couch watching sports in the cool of air conditioning with a beer in hand! Okay, that’s not it.

That takes us back to the “side gig” theory. I never thought I’d see an airline pilot doing lawn work as a side gig. Apparently with the increasing costs of flying, the pilots aren’t getting that money!! Only kidding they make plenty. Plenty. So that’s not it after all. 

My theory is—he can keep an eye on the “boy.” No one’s going to mess with a kid if his dad is right there! Well, unless you are cicadas. They don’t care. They swarmed the kid pretty regularly in their recent heyday. Just one of the downsides of a lawn job—insects! 

Keeping an eye on the boy must be it—and—this is probably a little more likely.

Whatever the reason, Travis needs the help. He’s got quite a nice business going. Already, this early in the summer--June--he’s saved a thousand dollars! I asked him what he was planning to use the money for. He said that he didn’t know. I think he just likes to see that cash piling up. I asked him if he was going to open a bank account. He replied, “No, I have a little safe!” Yeah, I’m not sure a toy safe is all that “safe” if you know what I mean!!

I love these kids so much and this was my favorite story of Camp Aunt Barb 2024. Another one in the books!

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