Monday, June 3, 2024

Me On Monday

May by the Numbers
Well, I can't believe May is over already. Time is flying by. My travels have slowed down and I'm thankful for it. As you read this, Butch as at the beach taking care of some business. I was supposed to go, but decided to stay home. I don't like the beach in the summer. It's too hot and too crowded. I have plenty to do at home. 
Besides, somebody has to water the flowers! 

May was a busy month:
Books Read: 10—but only 3 were 5 stars:

A Very Private School 

This was an audio book read by Charles Spencer (Princess Di's brother). I loved learning about his young life away at boarding school. 

The Sound of Rain

Mysteries at its best. Always lots of twists and turns in his books.

White Bird

When I started this book, I wasn't sure I would like it. I feel like I've read too many books about WWII recently. But this one is very good with an awesome twist at the end. My friends and I were at the movie theater this week and saw a preview. About half way through, I leaned over and said, "I think I read this book." I couldn't remember the name of it. When the name White Bird came up, I remembered it and the twisty end. I'm looking forward to the movie too.

Scrapbook Pages: 10 (2 of these were round robin pages)

Movies: 6 (only two of them were 5 stars)

Both are true stories.

Unsung Hero--about a family who moves from Australia to Nashville and is literally destitute when the job they came for doesn't materialize. The family is stranded and take on any job to make ends meet.

Back to Black--about Amy Winehouse. I didn't really know anything her. This was really good.

Streaming Services:

I was sort of all over the place this month. For June, I'm concentrating on just one until I get through my list. 


    Poison Ground--documetary about the tragedy at Love Canal. This was so             good and pretty shocking.


    Alone--I watched 3 episodes

    Sins of the Parents—the documentary about the couple that were convicted         in the Michigan school shooting. They knew their son was having problems, but     provided with a gun anyway.

    Thank you and Good Night—this documentary is about John Bon Jovi, the         band and his voice problems. I love him! The girls and I saw him in 2022. We         thought he was great, but that was his last concert. He thought he was going         to have to retire. He's had surgery and is working to get back. He's supposed to     be touring soon. If so, we're going.


    Righteous Gemstones--my brother Matt introduced us to this. I saw three         episodes only to discover when we got home that we do not have the premium         subscription required for this one. Still, it's pretty good if you are looking for         something. And, it's only about 30 minutes per episode,


    Dirty Pictures—docudrama about a controversial photograph exhibit and             censorship in Cincinnati in 1990.

    Mr. Church--a friend recommended this movie with Eddie Murphy. It is not a         comedy, but a drama. A woman is dying of breast cancer. Her boyfriend dies         but hires a cook for her--her last six months. She has a young daughter and         goes on to live 5 more years. When she dies, Mr. Church takes her in. It's a sad     movie, but still very good.


    Outlander--we watched 5 episodes of the final season. I'm not exactly sure         how many are left as they've just added two more. It hasn't been very good, so     we just want to get it overwith.

    Arrested Development--I watched 3 episodes--another crazy show about a         dysfunctional family. It's only about 30 minutes, so a nice short filler. It's pretty     funny.

Regular TV:

    I've mentioned before that we like reality shows. So, we finished: The                     Amazing Race and Survivor.

    We saw the series finale of Young Sheldon and The Good Doctor (I sobbed         on this one. We both loved the ending, but really hate to see it end. We hadn't         grown tired of it yet. I love, love, love Freddie Highmore and can't wait to see         what he does next).

Trips: 3

    Atlanta for Elizabeth's graduation from The Paul Mitchell School.

    New York City to celebrate my friend, Pam's 70th birthday (walked 25.3 miles).

    St. Louis for Memorial weekend and a family party.

Broadway shows seen: 3 Cabaret; Frozen; &Juliet

Concerts attended: Taylor Swift by the Nashville Symphony

Pool parties: 1 (we had our first one on May 28th.

Played Bridge: 1 time at the Centennial Club.

Happy Hours: 2 one with friends and one with Walt & Chris via FaceTime.

Parties: 1 Cinco de Mayo

Celebrity sightings: 2—Michael McDonald and Paul Reiser at the downtown library for their new book What a Fool Believes put on by Parnassus Books. Turns out, MM is from Ferguson, MO--just about in my backyard. He attended McClure High School around the same time that Butch did. 

It's been quite a month! All of this activity is why I stayed home while Butch is at the beach. He's taking it easy--not much work to do this trip--well except to meet with some people re: issues in the community. 

I needed a rest! Some might say the beach is a rest. That can be true. But I don't really like the heat or the crowds. I'll be happy to go down in September after everything calms down. Then I'll rest!

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