Saturday, May 11, 2024

Today is All About Graduations!

So. Today, I'm going down to Atlanta to celebrate Elizabeth's graduation from The Paul Mitchell School. She's excited. We're excited. This girl has always known what she wants to do. I can't wait for her to get started. She's on her way! I'm looking forward to celebrating with her (and maybe get my bangs trimmed--we all know what happens when I do it myself!).

Let's talk about another graduation. Last Saturday, Morgan and Olly were in town for his graduation from the MBA program at Middle Tennessee State University. 


We are so proud of him. We know first hand how hard it is to have a full-time job while going to school. It takes hard-work and the sacrifice leisure time. It's quite an accomplishment! Way to go Olly!

 Congratulations to any other graduates out there. Here's to the next stage of life!

In the meantime, 

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