Wednesday, January 31, 2024

What I Buy Wednesday

I haven't bought much this past week. At least not much of anything exciting.  

Michaels sent me a $5.00 coupon. Basically cash. I spent about a half hour shopping around, but couldn't find a single thing I wanted or needed to spend 5 bucks on. Then I noticed a bin full of 10 plain white boxes. 
They were left over from Christmas. The sign showed it was 70% off. Now who doesn't need plain boxes?
They were marked down to $1.80. I bought 3 sets. I think it's a pretty good deal for 5 bucks. 

Then I went to Nashville Needleworks because I needed a few fibers. I've always talked about needlepoint being a pretty expensive hobby. Here's proof:
See those two cards on the right? Well, I had already used one and then ran out. I calculated that I would need two more to complete the stems and veins on the project. 

It's roughly $8.00 per card. It is hand-dyed silk, so that's why it's so expensive.
It's used for the veining of the leaves and stems. It's really pretty, but it's crazy that just this part of the project has cost $24.00 alone! The canvas is hand-painted  and then you have the finish work. Even though it seems like a crazy amount, if you break it down to the enjoyment you get per hour while stitching, it's pretty reasonable. Now I have never kept track of the hours invested, but it's a lot. It probably comes out to about a buck ninety eight per hour. And that's a bargain!!

And now for something I didn't buy:
I invited Mitchell and Emily over for dinner. Mitchell showed up with these pretty tulips in hand. Of course, I knew that Emily was the one who prompted him to buy them. I told them both that I love flowers, but do not expect them to show up with a bouquet every month when they come by for dinner. I just want some one on one time to "catch up" with them. 

Did you buy anything exciting this week?

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Travel Tuesday

Not me this time---Butch. He's heading to the beach to check on the condo. When we were on our cruise two weeks ago, a tornado hit Panama City Beach. Our place is in Santa Rosa where we got high winds. There was quite a bit of wind damage to the building. Some of the owners down there sent pictures. Our place looks fine--although our furniture is kind of jumbled on our patio. The funny thing is that the cushions are not ours. We keep our cushions inside. So, my theory is that there were cushions that had blown around. Seenig ours without any, someone just assumed that they were ours. Butch is going to get it all sorted out.

I didn't want to go. I have a very heavy traveling schedule soon, where I'll be gone weekend after weekend. So, this week, I just wanted to stay home and get a lot of things caught up around here. 

I've already accomplished a few things. 
1. I cleaned some of my artificials.
I've said many times, I don't baby anything! (Which is why I'll even wash leather shoes.) I vigorously swish the artificial flowers--even though they are silk--around in hot sudsy water. Then, I use the sprayer to rinse them. Some bits might fall off, but I just stick them back on. It really makes me feel good to know that they are clean and not all dusty anymore. I still have more to do--living room and dining room--scheduled for this week.

2. I love working in my scrapbook room.
I am taking a monthly class and decided that the kits have outgrown the little basket I was keeping them in. I took all the pieces out of the thick packaging and opted to put everything in the cellophane bags that were inside.

Reducing the bulk made a huge difference. I'm glad I did it. 

The packaging is pretty cool and useful. I spent some time while watching tv, cutting out some of the words that I'll use on my scrapbook pages. 
I used a candle jar from Bath and Bodyworks. I use them for all kinds of things around the house. Recycling at its best.

3. Since January is about done, I need to edit my photos. I'm doing a pretty good job keeping up with that. Besides deleting unnecessary pictures, I make sure to organize the ones I'm keeping by putting them in the appropriate folders. 

4. I plan to spend a lot of time working on this:
This very large pumpkin topiary needlepoint was one of my most favorite things I've ever done. Sandy has the first one I made. This one was my sister-in-law's, but she can no longer stitch something this big. I bought it from her and have started it. It's going to take awhile--probably 6 months at least.

5. I've been pre-planning my scrapbook pages for our upcoming retreat. I've been working on the journaling and titles. I want to get the rest of the journaling done this week. Along those lines, I have a date with Susan on Friday to help her. I'm really excited about it because the planning is my most favorite part of scrapbooking. 

I'm also planning to take in a movie or two. I have a couple of lunch dates. I'm  going to have a mani/pedi. Maybe I'll even get a facial. I'm going to the theater twice---can't wait as I love the theater. Tonight is "The Girl From the North Country"--the music of Bob Dylan who I love! Then on Thursday night, it's Simon & Garfunkel. Did I mention that I LOVE the theater? It's a great week when I have two theater things!

It's going to be a fun and busy, that's for sure. Oh, and I still have to clean out under the kitchen sink. The mat I have there has bunched up a little, so I want to take everything out, clean and fix it.

So what's on your list this week?

Monday, January 29, 2024

Me on Monday

Public Service Announcement for the Aging!

Signs of aging nobody tells you about:

*No one tells you about the effects of gravity.

*No one tells you that the floor is going to be closer than before and trying to pull you                         down. 

*No one tells you that when you land on the floor, it’s going to be oh so much harder to get up.

*No one tells you that when you are dancing and spinning, that gravity will keep you spinning until you fall down making it that much harder to get back up. No alcohol needed.

*No one tells you that your eyelids will disappear making eye shadow unnecessary unless you want blue eyebrows!

*No one tells you that your eyelashes start to fall out and re-root on your chin.

*No one tells you that the plumpness of your cheeks re-locates to your neck.

*No one tells you that your upper lip will start to disappear. 

*No one tells you that your lipstick will pool in the corner of your mouth making you look like the old lady that you actually are.

*No one tells you that your lipstick will bleed into the lines around your lips. Heck no one tells you that you will actually get lines around your lips.

*No one tells you that things on the inside of your body will start to shift downward. ‘Nuff said. If you know, you know.’

*No one tells you that getting in and out of the tub will be so hard. Not good for a bath lover. 

*No one tells you that if you use bath oil, you’ll be stuck in the tub until the second coming!

*No one tells you that your armpits reposition to the inside of your upper arm.

*No one tells you that your b**bs are going to drift down to your waist.

*No one tells you that your knee cap skin starts heading south.

*No one tells you that your toes take on new shapes.

*No one tells you that the holes in your pierced ears will be harder to find. Apparently they moved too.

*No one tells you that each day is a brand new discovery! 

No one tells you that you are on your own navigating all of the things! 

Basically no one tells you anything.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Scrapbook Saturday

Today, I'm debuting a brand new scrapbooker. Introducing: Morgan!!
This is her very first page. As I'm looking at the page, it pains me that she bought stuff! I could totally stock her up!!
This is her second page. Next time she's in town, I need to let her pick out some supplies. I have extra of everything--you know me and my multiple problems.

The rest of these layouts are from our AYM meeting earlier in the week.
This is Susan's layout. I love all of her fabulous old pictures. 
Nancy made the kits and question this month: "Did Santa bring your gifts wrapped or unwrapped?" I always envy the old pictures that everyone else seems to have. 
This is Karolyn's page. 

My page. I love mixing old pictures with new. I guess that's because I have to! I just don't have that many old ones. I don't really remember my parents taking pictures. Maybe we didn't own a camera!
Pam's layout. She was an only child, so that's why she has a lot of pictures.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Friday Funnies

My favorite! Especially since I worked at Target!!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Five Things Thursday

Great idea!

When it comes to charcuteries, people are so clever. The girls and I are going to an event in a couple weeks where we're going to be making a Valentine Charcuterie. I can't wait to see what it's going to be. I'll be sharing it for sure.

This is pretty good!

It looks like basically you just clean out your refrigerator and pantry. Have Halloween candy left from last October---pile it on!!
I actually would enjoy browsing this aisle!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Tuesday Thoughts a Day Late

Tuesday Thoughts on...

Gender Roles. 

I know everything is about gender equality these days. Whatever a man can do, a woman can do too. But I have a serious question. Why would they want to?

I grew up in a traditional large family. Mom, dad, 7 kids. Lest you forget, I’m the oldest. Dad worked hard while mom—-working no less hard—stayed home, cooking, cleaning and doing laundry without many of the time-saving conveniences we have today. It was a hard, full-time job for her. My memories of her are always either washing dishes or standing in front of the washing machine. 

Girls did the inside work while the boys—at the time—just my dad and brother—did the outside work which also included the basement. Basically, the really un-fun stuff: taking out the trash, taking out the garbage (no disposals then), cleaning the basement, shoveling dog ****, mowing the lawn, raking leaves and shoveling snow.

We girls did the dishes. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it was when you have a big family. Since the twins and I couldn’t work together without fighting, we each had to take a week at a time: setting the table, clearing the table, washing the dishes, scrubbing pots and pans (no non-stick back then and EVERYTHING stuck to those awful pans--there was no soaking allowed!), drying the dishes and putting them away for 3 meals a day. Okay, if it was during the school year that only meant dinner. It was a terrible job--it took more than an hour. Plus, even though you only had to do it once every three weeks, you would think that was easy. But it sure seemed like your turn rolled around awfully darn fast!!

Still, I would rather have had the girls job. That is still true today. There are just some things that boys should do and girls should not have to do. Like: cleaning out clogged drains, un-stopping nasty, stopped up toilets and a myriad of assorted outside related jobs which includes hauling wood. And that's what got me thinkin'.

I have never hauled wood in my life---until this week. Butch does a very good job of keeping our wood bin filled. But, he's sick. He got it from me, so I guess it's only fair that I should have to do his job. I've never had to do it before. It's a terrible job. I can only carry 3 logs at a time. That's a lot of heavy lifting and back and forth for this aging gal. I made 4 trips from the wood pile to the garage which is about 50 yards (okay, that's an exaggeration but it felt like that)! I made a final trip all the way in the house. I love a fire. I think I've mentioned before that we have one twice a day---morning and night. On the weekends, it's just about non-stop. That's a lot of wood hauling. When I was finished, I was kind of sweaty and my back hurt. 

All I've got to say is: "Thank you, Butch!" I'm a strong female, but I don't want your job---not any of them.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Me On Monday

You most likely don't know this about me. I have cold feet! Really cold feet. I used to say that my feet froze up in September and didn't thaw out until June. That's still true. Soooo, Victoria gave me a pair of the softest, fuzzy slippers I've ever had. I fell in love with them right away. Then this happened:

There were little bits of fuzz everywhere. I was wondering where all of these dust balls were coming from all of a sudden. When I took my new slippers off, it all became clear!
That's a lot of fuzz. They continue to shed even though I've worn them for 3 weeks now. Hmmm, maybe the surprise will be on me as when the fuzz disappears, so will the slippers! Still, they are the comfiest slippers I've ever had.

On to the next thing. This is my make-up table. 
It's my favorite place in the house for my feet. We have heated floors in the master bathroom. Yes, I know I'm supposed to say "main" rather than "master" but I'm sticking with tradition. Anyway, when my feet are really cold, I'll go in here and just sit. Because...

...underneath is a heat vent which makes this spot particularly toasty. 

It's little things, my friends, little things. What are your little things?

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Scrapbook Saturday

We've been snowed in by rigid temperatures and 9" of snow. What better time to scrapbook? Well except for the fact that it is so cold upstairs (and the rest of the house for that matter), that it wasn't fun. Add to that, I started getting sick on Wednesday. I never even considered it until Butch said, "maybe you should take a Covid test." I did, it was negative. I think it's a really bad cold, but even on Friday, I spent the day in bed. I canceled my trip to St. Louis for Janice and Jennifer's 70th birthday weekend. And we had to give up our tickets for The Cher Show. Actually, I had a whole week planned that had to be canceled due to weather, so I guess it was a good time to be sick. I'm starting to feel a little better.

I did a few things a couple weeks ago that I am sharing now. I did some pre-planning for our upcoming scrapbook retreat in February.

 I like to do this all the time. When I pre-plan, I can make better use of little snippets of time--crop photos, do the journaling, make the title, etc. 

Here are a few layouts I haven't shared yet.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Five Things Thursday

1. Well right now, everything is about the weather. We have 8" of snow:

This is rare for Nashville. It was below zero overnight and 0 when we woke up. I snapped this before heading out for my Xolair treatment this morning. My car also said it was 2. I don't know how many days this has been already, but they just said on the news that we won't have temps above 32 until Monday!

2. Our house cannot handle it. The furnaces (we have 3) are running non-stop and cannot get the temperature above 65 in the house. As you know, the whole back is windows--so is the front for that matter--and it's freezing in here. We have the vanities open so warm air can get in there.
I don't like it because I don't like cabinets hanging open. But, I guess it's a necessity. 

3. We have frozen pipes in Mindy's shower and that's above the library. We have no idea what we can do about it. It backs up to the attic which I thought made it protected. I guess not.

4. I don't think our fish in the pond are going to make it. Here, due to our normally mild winters, you only have to have an 18" depth. Ours is a little more than that, but I'm pretty certain that it's going to freeze solid. You know what that means? Besides the demise of the fish, we most likely will end up with a crack in the liner. We've already had another pool leak during the holidays. Anything that goes awry with pools is never cheap. Butch keeps threatening to fill it in but the girls won't have it.

Speaking of losing things, the sunroom is so freezing too---ALL windows. I keep the French doors closed because we have to. It makes a huge freezing draft when they are open. I can look in there and see my plants dying. I wish I had a way to see how cold it actually is in there--and it's a heated room!

5. Lastly, there's this:
I haven't even unpacked from our trip--well except for the dirty clothes. We do not have heat in our closets and it's way too cold in there. Not only am I not putting stuff away, I have all of the clothes I'm currently wearing piled up on a chair. 

This is also a problem because whenever I'm freezing, there's nothing that warms me up like a nice hot bath.
I like to light a candle, get a drink and soak with a book. I'm going to have to get my junk put away because I need this.

I know that by now you think I'm a broken record with the cold and how freezing I am. But I thought I would share my current look:
My big fluffy robe and my new fluffy slippers. Lest you think I'm a slacker...
...I'm fully dressed underneath! 

It's my new look.