Sunday, August 31, 2014

"Nobody Understands the Cloud!"

Well I thought I did!! A lot of people think the cloud is a storage location. What it is----is a transfer/holding place to move information from one device to another. Except when it's not!!! I don't understand why if the cloud is "up there somewhere" it doesn't always work where you are.

All this to say, I have a lot of photos of our adventure out here in San Diego. I definitely want to share the photos with the stories, so it will have to wait until I get home tomorrow.

We're all done---everything fit---and Morgan wasn't the only one who brought everything she owned. Apparently, that must be girls. My girls probably fell in to that category too, except they didn't own quite as much stuff! I saw Uhauls and moving vans filled to the brim. I wonder how some of those girls got all their stuff in those tiny rooms.

Since we finished with everything Stephanie and I decided to try to change our flight and come home a day early. We checked with Morgan to make sure she would be okay with that. She only has a 2 hour break in her orientation schedule. She's already made several friends---one we met at Bed Bath and Beyond. She's friendly and out going and an easy conversationalist.

Anyway, when I called Southwest, they told me it would cost $700 to come home a day early. Sooo, we're going to drive around San Diego and hang out at the pool. I thought of going to Sea World, but it's $65. I've been there before and it's totally worth it but I've already spent enough money out here. Then I thought of the zoo, but I didn't like it all that much the last time---plus it's $46. I have not been to a zoo yet that compares to the St. Louis Zoo and it's FREE! Kind of hard to pay that money for something you do for free.

Our plan is to just browse around the city for an hour or so, then come back and hang out at the pool and rest up. You know what I'm still dealing with at home. More cleaning awaits me.

We plan to pick up Morgan and take her for ice cream. Then Stephanie and I are going to find us a seafood restaurant for a nice dinner tonight. Home tomorrow! Can't wait.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Schlepping Suitcase Across the Country

It's been one stressful day!!! We arrived in San Diego around 11 a.m. We did manage to get the 7 suitcases, and various carry-ons in the small Jetta. We went to the hotel and schlepped ALL those 50 lb. bags to the room because we had no room to pick up the Bed Bath and Beyond order. After that, I managed to get us stuck in rush hour traffic---dying of thirst. 

After a stop at Starbucks, we made our way to Target. It was only supposed to take a few minutes, so I decided to just circle the lot while they ran in since parking was such a zoo. I managed to luck out and pulled in to a close space. I waited for nearly an hour. I had already finished my tea and was thirsty again. I saw someone come out of Target with a Starbucks. I went in and saw that Stephanie and Morgan were in the checkout lane with another heaping cart full of stuff. Steph had tried 4 types of payment---all were denied. At that point, I gave them my card. The order was frozen due to too many tries to purchase. Everything had to be re-rung. Once they did that, we swiped my card. I guess it's no surprise that my card was declined too! I had just spent a large amount at BB&B. Now we're up a creek. I have about $200 cash with me. I only have one card. Sooooo, I get on the phone with my bank---and was immediately put on hold "until the next available representative." I waited at least 20 minutes before I got through. They lifted the freeze on my card---we're back in business. 

We got back to the hotel and hauled everything up so that we could organize and consolidate. There is absolutely NO WAY all this stuff is going to fit in that tiny dorm room. We decided that we would unpack the suitcases directly in to the 3 large under the bed storage so we could move them easily. After unpacking just one of the suitcases, 2 of the bins were already full. She has brought way too many clothes!! Note that some of those clothes include her St. Cecilia school uniform. She said it's for when she needs a costume---along with the kitty kat tail, bunny ears and floral lei. 

Stephanie is trying to get her to eliminate some things. Right now they are hanging dresses so they can just put them in the little closet. Guess we'll be schlepping a lot of it back to Nashville. I'm actually doing a pretty good job of keeping my mouth shut! And you know how hard that is for me!!

Having so much fun;)!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Still Dealing...

All I can say is this is a terrible situation---and it's not over yet. I feel really bad---Butch came home on Tuesday from his trip to the beach. He cut it short due to my and Mindy's "meltdowns." He didn't tell me or I would have encouraged him to stay. But I have to admit, I'm way less creeped out with him home. I'm dreaming about it every night, so I'm glad he's here. He has dealt with the nastiest part of the situation.

We've thrown away round 2 of tons of stuff. When will this end? The life span of these moths is a month. I'm not putting anything back in the pantry until then. We're still working and there's still lots to do. 

No more about this, I promise. I'm just still consumed with it.

Stephanie and I leave tomorrow to take Morgan out to the University of San Diego to get her settled in to her tiny dorm room. I have no idea where she things she's going to fit this much stuff:
This does not include the HUGE pre-order that they've made at Bed Bath and Beyond awaiting pick-up out there. She has no chest of drawers. We have to get by with under the bed storage containers.

Actually, the work involved moving her will be a vacation compared to what we've been dealing with.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

This is Horrible!

I caught two of those little buggers doing "you know what" on my cabinet. Thank God for white woodwork!

I Won't Have Time to Be Lonely Anymore...

I'm so mad that I even considered that I might get lonely. I think I jinxed myself.

I just discovered that I have pantry moths.

They are about a half inch long. I called the exterminator. They said I have to throw away all the food. Then I went online and found this: How to Get Rid of Pantry Moths: 14 Steps with pictures. OMGosh!!! Are you kidding me??? I've only read to step 3 and I'm already exhausted. You don't understand. I don't just have a pantry. I have a Pantry! I have dishes, casseroles---all kinds of things besides just food. And then there's the Christmas much stuff.

I'm sick and exhausted before I've even started. I don't even know how to start. And Butch isn't here to help me. I just want to be Scarlet---think about it tomorrow. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.

I guess after being married for 43 years,  Butch and I have that esp thing going. He just called. I immediately broke down in tears. He calmed me down. I feel bad for doing that to him because Mindy did it to him today too! She received a letter from the IRS saying she owes some ungodly amount in back taxes. It just can't be so---the amount is so ridiculous. Anyway, this is about me and I'm crying.

I've put a distress call out to Morgan. I told her the job would pay BIG!! I need the help. I just can't fathom the size of this job.

I'll deal with it tomorrow. I'm a morning person. Things will look better then.

Yeah. Right.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

My Weekend Alone

As it turns out, I ended up having a great weekend. It was a little touch and go by Saturday afternoon, but Connie saved me.

I started the day with my tea and catching up on blogs. I did my Lumosity brain training. Then I was in my scrapbook room all morning. I did a little organizing and caught up my Project Life album---I do that on a monthly basis. 

Around 11, I got in the pool and exercised for an hour and 45 minutes. Talking to Jeanne on the phone helped me pass at least 30 minutes of it. 

After lunch, I read for awhile. I was actually thinking that it was getting kind of lonely. About that time, Connie called. She came over and we floated in the pool for another couple of hours. A brief summer storm drove us out.

In the evening, I watched 3 episodes of The White Queen based on the book by Philippa Gregory (I've read every book she's written---love her). My plan was to stitch---I'm sick of the piece I'm working on and just want to get it over with. Because my heart wasn't in the needlepoint, I didn't really accomplish much. However, the series is FABULOUS!! 

I decided to go to bed early---9 pm to finish my book The House Girl by Tara Conklin. It was good, thought I might pick it for my book club, but decided I didn’t love the ending. 

I started Sunday at 4 a.m. with a new book that has captivated me right away---Requiem for Dead Flies by Peter N. Dudar. It's billed as a supernatural ghost thriller. I don't think I've ever read anything like this before. So far I'm really enjoying it and the writing style. It hasn't been scary yet, so we'll see. It might not be the best choice to read when you're home alone! Can't be scarier than Stephen King!

I spent time on the computer with my blogs this morning along with my tea. After a light breakfast, I went up to my scrapbook room and put together the AYM (A Year of Memories) kits for October. I still have to write the handout this week. I also made a layout for "The Pile of Postcards Exchange."
Actually, there wasn't much to this page. I use Creative Memories albums, so I had some pocket pages. I like them because they are clear---which works great for something like post cards or memorabilia that you want to see. I titled it "Postcards from the edge" and journaled about my blog friends and where the cards came from. It's a little hard to tell, but I had a little piece of vintage, tobacco colored lace that I used in the lower left corner---leftover from this month's AYM kit. I got quite a nice collection of cards!! Thanks to my friend, Sian for hosting the exchange. It was a lot of fun!

After lunch, I spent some time reading. Then---don't hate me---but I started on an idea for some Christmas gifts. Just the beginning stages, so I'll share when I get a couple completed. I always have ideas, but often don't start soon enough and then the holidays are upon us. Each year, I make some particular ornament for a little tree on a table in my entry. When friends or family come during the holidays, I let them select an ornament from the tree. 

More exercise, 3 additional episodes of The White Queen and a little magazine---thumbing through completed my day. Now, I'm off to bed to spend a little more time with my book.

I made it through the weekend without getting lonely after all. Oh, and by the way---I got dressed both days!!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Home Alone!

I mean really alone! Not only is Butch gone, but my entire family is out-of-town. Mindy and Stephanie are on Centerhill Lake somewhere. Morgan is in the Smoky Mountains. Butch is at the beach.

He planned his trip awhile back. I felt a little guilty for not wanting to go. As you know, I do not love the beach. In fact, I could not fathom going alone. He and I are so opposite. When I realized that I truly had too much going on next week to get away, I suggested that he invite someone to go with him. He balked and said he didn't want to have to worry about someone else, food, conversation, etc. He just wanted to go alone. He put together his itinerary. Turns out, he has more to do than he has time for. I wish I had a photo of his spreadsheet---down to his food for each meal!! He's the king of Excel---he makes a spreadsheet for everything---like when he got his Kuerig coffee machine and made a spreadsheet for the little "K" cups---where to buy, types, brands, etc. But, I digress---he's going to play golf, bike ride, walk the beach, eat out, watch golf, do some minor repairs and just chill.

Still feeling guilty, I asked him if he was disappointed that I wasn't going. I think he said "no" a little too quickly!!! Maybe next time! We just celebrated 43 years together this week, maybe he's looking forward to a little time to himself! Nothin' wrong with that! I did send him off with easy meals so he won't have to grocery shop.

So here I am home alone. When I realized I was going to be really alone, I got a little panicky. I started thinking about who I could call to make some plans with. Then I reminded myself of my upcoming busy week prior to moving Morgan to her dorm in San Diego. I decided I'll just enjoy the weekend without anyone around me. I'm a people person, but I think I can do it! At least I hope so.

One thing I know for sure, I won't have to get dressed! Maybe it will be a pajama kind of weekend!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day Trip

On Wednesday, we took a little day trip with our friends, Bruce and Karolyn. We decided to go to the Maker's Mark Distillery in Loretto, Kentucky. 
 Along the way, we did a little geo-caching. This one was called an "earth" cache.
 In order to "claim" this cache, you have to answer a series of questions relating to the earth formation.
 Unfortunately, it was too muddy to go inside the cave, so they had to peer in to find the answers.
 We proceeded on to the distillery. The tour was about an hour and a half and was really interesting.
 The tour started by crossing this cute covered bridge. In the olden days, this used to be a dirt road. People rode up on horses and picked up their bourbon.
All of the shutters have cut-outs of the Maker's Mark bottles. Bill Samuels' (the owner) wife  came up with the name from her pewter collection. Each piece had the mark of the craftsman on the bottom. Hence, the maker's mark was the slang for that. She thought it would be a good name for the bourbon.
 Maker's Mark is still crafted by hand and stored in barrels for about 7 years. Butch and Bruce signed up to be ambassadors. They each have a barrel named after them. When the bourbon is distilled, years from now, they'll go back to purchase bottles from "their" barrel.
 Every good tour includes a tasting at the end. I didn't taste it as this in not my "thing!" However, on the way to the gift shop, they had some bourbon chocolates that were delicious!
 While we were at the tasting, I noticed this in front of me. Would you have said something?
 The ceiling in the distillery has custom art work by Chihuly. It's gorgeous, shiny and colorful AND expensive! I cannot imagine what they paid for this. It's a pretty long hallway.
 Can you see the cherub in this piece? It was hard to get a good picture..
 Bruce and Butch preparing to "dip" their own bottle.
All Maker's Mark bottles are dipped by hand. There's a precise way to do it: dip to rim; rotate 360 degrees, stand upright to form the drips.

After the tour, we had lunch in the cafe. We all had pulled pork in Makers sauce. It was delicious! 

Our little outing took the entire day as the distillery is 3 hours from Nashville. Still, it was so much fun. Were planning an outing each month. For September, we're going on a segway tour of Franklin, Tennessee. The "boys" have never done a segway, so that will be fun.

This is what retirement feels like!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Stop the Madness!

Rarely do I get political or controversial on my blog. But considering St. Louis or more exactly, Ferguson has been all over the news lately, I just have to say something. It's national news---maybe even international news. Ferguson is very near where I grew up. You may recall a couple of previous blog posts about the documentary that was made about what happened where I grew up. This latest "problem" is a direct result.

Briefly and to the point, it all started when a white policeman shot and killed a black teen for robbery. The exact circumstances are still unknown. Rioting and looting has ensued. How in the world can destroying your own neighborhood and destroying the local businesses of your neighbors possibly have anything to do with the shooting? How does it help the situation? What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

Today, the report was that 78 people were arrested last night. Only 4 were actually from Ferguson. What in the world is going on?

I do not know who the guy is in this video, but I do believe he has some valid points.
Things have got to change.

I don't know when this madness will end or how many more people will be injured or killed. All I know is that what's happening there is inconceivable, puzzling, and disheartening.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Moving Jordan

Stephanie and I made the 3 1/2 hour drive to Knoxville to move Jordan in to her new apartment. All went well---except, I think Jordan moved everything she owns. There's room for it, that's for sure. The apartment is 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3,000 closets, washer and dryer, fireplace, balcony and 1800 sq. ft.
 From this view, you can see the balcony and the dining room.
The kitchen is a nice size with just about brand new appliances---actually the apartment is only a year or two old.
Jordan has the master bedroom. The bathroom has double sinks. I guess that means, she'll dirty one and then move to the other until it's dirty and she has to clean. There are two closets---a linen closet and then a big double door closet---not to mention the walk-in closet in the bedroom.
 I'm pretty sure her roommate brought everything she owned too.

She has a nice view from the balcony---pretty landscaping all around. Her apartment is located on the edge of the campus. She'll have about a mile walk to most classes. She has a bike, so she plans to use that too. She plans to live here for the next 3 years. That's good, because no one wants to move her again!

Next up, Morgan's move to The University of San Diego---Labor Day weekend. That is going to be interesting---we have to buy everything out there. It's going to be a lot of work! Not exactly how I want to spend my Labor Day weekend---but what can I do? I cannot turn down these grandkids!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Preparing to Move

Part of Jordan's plan before moving to Knoxville to start her second year of college was to detail her car. She came over on Wednesday around 11 a.m. It was hot, hot, and soooo humid. I left shortly after she arrived and got home at 1:30 p.m. She was still at it---except, Butch was helping her. He got home some time after noon and decided to pitch in when he saw what a thorough job she was doing.

All in all, they spent 3 hours on the car. It looks like nearly new---considering it's a 2006---my old Jeep. I really liked that car. I'm glad to see she is taking good car of it. She told her mom that she was always going to wash her car over here because "grandpa has everything!" And that's the truth!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Frustrations

I've decided to start a little something new that I'm going to call "Friday Frustrations." We all have them, why not share?

*Someone spit gum on the running board of my car---hot pink gum---all gooey from the hot sun. Butch did the best he could to get it off, but it's pretty stuck in the grooves. I might have to try some peanut butter. It's against the law to chew gum in Singapore. If you do, you get caned. Personally, I can't really believe that someone would be so crass as to spit gum on another person's car.

*I was on the phone with an investment company trying to get some help filling out some papers. Of course, we got cut off. When I called back, I got someone else---that I couldn't understand---if you know what I mean. I guess the second call went straight to India.

*We have a leak under the sink. It's done quite a bit of damage. Butch thinks it's our Culligan water dispenser. They are coming tomorrow between 1 and 3. We'll see how that goes.

*Butch just got a new computer last week. We can't figure out how to get it hooked up to the printer. I've tried everything---downloading drivers---and anything I could think of. I'll be on the phone tomorrow with Canon to see if they can help. I saw a comment somewhere that the new Macs are not compatible with this particular printer. If that's the case, I'll have to get a new printer---just when I gave my spare to Jordan for her to take to her apartment! Isn't that always the way? You can bet I'll be frustrated when I get on the phone with Canon!!

*The expensive Celebrex did not work at all. I've gone back to the Meloxicam that only slightly works. I'm hobbling like an old woman! I think I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and get the surgery. I want to wait until after our trip to Yosemite in October.

That's about it for this week. Actually, I have very little to complain about! Not that I'm borrowing trouble, but I'm pretty sure I'll have lots of frustrations this weekend as we move Jordan to her new apartment at the University of Tennessee.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Five Things Thursday

1. My favorite Adele song---actually my favorite song of ALL time:
Someone Like You

2. Bombing a phone conversation:
Phone conversation

3. Getting a little practical:
How to fold a fitted sheet

4. All I can say is Oh My Gosh!!:
Good Bye Yellow Brick Road

5. And I have to leave you with this little pep talk:
Pep talk